giovedì 8 febbraio 2024

The Myth of the Dragonixius

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The Myth of the Dragonixius ("Tihodohor dok Draconi Graxius" in Black Draconic) is the title of a pseudobiblion (only existing in the Way of Legends and other small adjacent narrative universes) which contains the first written transposition of an oral myth created by the now extinct race of the marble dragons. It has been presumably written by the gray dragoness Andoraaal.

According to the the most followed line of research, that of Heslant the Blue, The Myth of the Dragonixius is the reference work for the second phase of the diachronic evolution of the language, i.e. the black draconic.


The Myth of the Dragonixius tells of the birth of life on planet Earth, through a fanciful theory according to which the dragonixius, mythical alien creatures from an unspecified marble planet beyond our galaxy, brought life to Earth and decided to create dragons by placing dragon DNA in the “Spring of Life” (a sort of primordial soup in a pool on the top of mount Horn Blu).

About the author

Andoraaal was a gray dragon, distant from the cult of the dragonixius and atheist, who collected countless myths that up to that point had only been handed down orally to write them down and preserve them. Her cave, today, is inhabited by a family of golden dragons that have partially repurposed it as a museum.

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