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The Lilyar System is a planetary system composed of celestial bodies that are attracted and kept in orbit by the gravitational force of the star Lily.
The Lilyar System has a diameter of about 180-200 UA (i.e. astronomical units, equal to the average distance between Sun and Earth), making it a little more compact than our solar system, which instead presents itself with 240-260 Astronomical Units.
It is located in the constellation of Gemini, at a distance that measures around 34 light years from our Earth.
It consists of Lily, six planets (four internal rocky planets, three of which in the habitable zone, and two external gaseous planets), their respective natural satellites and many other minor bodies. The latter category includes comets, interplanetary dust and meteoroids (i.e. rocky and/or metallic fragments of sizes varying from a grain of sand to a boulder), residues of the condensation of the nebula from which the Lilyar System was originated.
In order from closest to farthest from Lily, the six planets are: Solton, Wyrm's Lair, Furioh and Mimmum, Ditto, and Letigo; the planetary system has no dwarf planets.
The Lilyar System was formed as a result of the compaction of the beautiful Gecko Head nebula, around 3.7 billion years ago.
This planetary system is full of small anomalies.
Once the number of planets that gravitated around Lily amounted to at least eight, but two of these planets have been "lost": one destroyed or devoured by the creature that dwells in the Wyrm's Lair, the other expelled from its planetary system and become an orphan interstellar planet.
It is speculated that it was an unfortunate play of gravitational forces that projected that now orphan planet out of its orbit; it may have been driven out by the second gas giant Euryphaessa - the other lost planet, which was later destroyed by the Wyrm - and thrown away by the disposition of the other celestial bodies, which has morphed into completely different orbits than those that they were settling in during the formation of the Lilyar System, an event apparently inexplicable by scientific observation alone. The sentient races of Furioh and Mimmum unanimously give the "merit" of what happened to the creature that inhabits Wyrm's Lair.
The majority of the system's minor celestial bodies (interstellar dust, meteoroids and comets) are concentrated in a band just beyond Letigo, where comets remain in a stable situation due to very low temperatures, without "invading" the interstellar medium of the rest of the system; it thus forms an external ring to the planetary system that delimits it called the Belt of Enzadus.
Another rather obvious anomaly can be found in the twin planets Furioh and Mimmum, which are actually less similar than they seem: although the two share the same orbit and roughly the same size, Furioh could be the oldest celestial body of the whole planetary system.
Structure and celestial bodies
· Lily – Center
Mother star of the Lilyar System, it is a larger and brighter yellow dwarf than the Solar System's Sun, albeit not much.
· Solton – First orbit
Ferrous planet, the closest to Lily. It has almost reached its end, demolished by the attraction force of its star.
· Wyrm's Lair – Second orbit
Mysterious planet in the habitable zone. Its rocky surface appears barren and pitted, lined with huge furrows and cavities. It is said that the Wyrm lives inside it and that unimaginable wealth is found there.
· Furioh – Third orbit
Rocky planet in the habitable zone, "twin" of Mimmum. Organic life and various sentient species developed on it. Most of its surface is covered in water.
· Mimmum – Third orbit
Rocky planet in the habitable zone, "twin" of Furioh. Organic life developed on it, including only one sentient species, but the rest of the creatures that inhabit it are pretty coloured and varied.
· Ditto – Fourth orbit
Gas giant, big about four times the size of the Earth. The rings of dust surrounding it were destroyed by an external force.
· Letigo – Fifth orbit
Frozen planet on the outer orbit of the system, it appears a magnificent streaked blue from the outside. Its surface consists mainly of methane, ethane and nitrogen.
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