venerdì 13 gennaio 2023

Furiarossa and Mimma: the commission prices!

Hello! Welcome to commission page of FuriarossaAndMimma!
Prices always updated ;)


-We reserve the right to make public every image we produce; if you decide to remain as an "anonymous commissioner" please let us know beforehand.
-We reserve the right to sell t-shirts, stickers, prints and other products with the commission (for example via Redbubble), as well as use HQ files as reward for our patrons, sell the original physical piece to third parts, etc. as we still retain the rights for our own art. When possible, we will credit the creator of the character(s) and never claim them as our own (unless of course they are created by us).
-You are allowed to upload the picture on any website you’d like (credit must be given).
-You are allowed to print the picture for personal purpose (non-profit).
-We really like artistic freedom, but you can choose everything on your commission (pose, colors, etc.) or give us freedom to work with your character (these are the works that we do better and we've satisfied a great number of people with this method).


  • Hate art (art that is created just to express hate towards another person/category of people)
  • Mecha
  • Creepypasta characters (sorry, we just don't, for now)
  • Extreme obesity (fat characters ARE allowed, we're just not good, nor comfortable, drawing giant "blobs". There are many other artists who could do that better, but it's not what we like, or know how to, draw ;))
  • Very weird fetishes (but, ask if you're not sure)


  • Anything else. Ask if you are not sure about.
And now, the prices and the types of commissions that we offer!
+++ Traditional chibi +++


With background: $43

Without background: $30

(+$15 for every extra character in the same illustration)

The cutest style! Traditional art, drawn with colored pencils and ballpoint pen, they feel kinda like old children's book illustrations... but with our own twist ;)

+++ Digital chibis +++



With background: $40
Without background (transparent!): $42
+$12 for every extra character in the same drawing
They're sketched with pencil, so their proportions will be like the traditional ones, but the color style is completely different because, of course, these are lined and colored in digital! Sharp ;-)


+++ Mixed 'n complex +++


PRICE: $100
-Max. 2 characters without extra cost
-Very complicated designs (lot of limbs/armors/multiple wings) may cost an extra fee of $15
- Halfbody or fullbody? Don't worry, you choose: in this style, they all have the same price, the only condition is that they will be drawn on a paper sheet (max. dimension A4), and that means that you could have cool but a little less complicated fullbodies, or incredibly intricate halfbodies! Anyway, it's always pretty detailed stuff, hehe...
-Drawn with ballpoint pen and colored in digital for incredible effects!

+++ Ballpoint pen +++


PRICE: $80
-As the name said, drawn with ballpoint pen (on a A4 sheet)
-Max. 3 characters in the same drawing without extra cost
-Very complicated designs (lot of limbs/armors/multiple wings) may cost an extra fee of $15
- Portrait, bust or fullbody? Don't worry, you choose: in this style, they all have the same price, the only condition is that they will be drawn on a paper sheet (max. dimension A4), and that means that you could have cool but a little less complicated fullbodies, or incredibly intricate headshots! Anyway, it's always pretty detailed stuff, hehe...
-Shipping of the physical copy is available only in Europe. If you request the shipping of the physical copy, shipping cost must be paid.


+++ Traditional colored +++



PRICE: $80
(+$10 for every extra character)
-Traditional art (colored pencils + some ballpoint pen)
-Max. 2 characters in the same drawing without extra cost
-Very complicated designs (lot of limbs/armors/multiple wings) may cost an extra fee of $8
- They will be drawn on a paper sheet (max. dimension A4)
-Shipping of the physical copy is available only in Europe. If you request the shipping of the physical copy, shipping cost must be paid.


+++ Traditional headshot +++

- Head only :)
- Traditional art (colored pencils + some ballpoint pen)
- Very complicated designs may cost an extra fee of $3
- They will be drawn on a paper sheet.

PRICE: $27

+++ Reference sheet +++


Basic price: $190

Do you want a reference sheet? The price for one of these is $190 (price may vary if the character is more complex), in case you want to commission one 😉. The reference comes also with all the single .png illustrations with transparent background (front view + back view + side view (or alternative view, with clothes of different markings) + three expressions + eyes, but the formula can change as long as they remain a total of 7 illustrations, or the price may vary).

If you want less than 7 illustrations in the reference, price varies on the number of them! For this kind of refs, the price is $42 for each illustration.
Some examples:

You can also choose between a reference sheet with digital illustrations (like this one ) or traditional ones (like this ). The price is always the same ;)

+++ Transparent digital +++


$50 per character*
*price may increase for really complex characters
-An additional fee can be added if the character is very complex (ex. if wearing an armor, or having multiple limbs). If in doubt, ask!
-Perfectly suited to be printed as badges!
-Name of the character can be included without extra cost.
-Transparent background to look good on any background!
-Not too big in size.

+++ Study on a creature kind/character +++

 PRICE: $60
Study on a character or a creature type (any kind, from the zombie to the werewolf, from the dragon to the cat, going for every kind of fictional creature) with effect "old's book page"
From 4 to 10 drawings per page (at our discretion)

+++ Comic pages (colored) +++

PRICE: $100
-Done with colored pencils and pens (on A4 pages)
-From three to ten panels in the same page without extra cost! Of course, remember that the more the panels, the less the details for each, since it's an A4 page...

+++ Mini chibi +++

PRICE: $15

-Just one character for each illustration
-Transparent background
-They're pretty tiny (cheaper commission that we offer!)
-Sort of "collectibles" :D
-Standard price for every character, independently by the amount of details

+++ Digital black and white sketches +++


Black and white sketch fullbody: $23 (+$10 for every extra character in the same illustration)
Black and white headsketch: $12
 (complex backgrounds and/or characters may increase the price. Ask if not sure!)

-Quick and easy, non-refined, but still pretty good looking...
-Full digital. Quick turnaround!
-Only black and white, no color.
-You will receive both a file with white background, and transparent .png that you can color in digital, if you want to ;)

+++ Colored digital sketches +++


Colored fullbody: $36 (+$15 for every extra character in the same illustration)
Colored headsketch: $22
 (complex backgrounds may increase the price. Ask if not sure!)

-Quick and easy, non-refined, but still pretty good looking...
-Full digital. Quick turnaround!

+++ Digital +++


Fullbody: $50 (+$15 for every extra character in the same illustration)
Halfbody: $40
Head only: $30
  (complex backgrounds may increase the price. Ask if not sure!)
-Full digital!
-They're basically more refined digital sketches with better color. So, yeah, they're the digital sketches, but **special**, with more details and cool coloration! More effort! More definition!

NSFW special! Any of the previous styles, with their own base price + a 12$ fee.
We're still pretty new with not-safe-for-work artworks, so they're a bit complicated for us and require extra study + we can't post it everywhere, like we would have done with a "regular" commission, so the exposure that we get for the particular piece is much less, hence the little extra fee ;)


- Please send your inquiry to, as we review these in a case by case scenario to work out the best deal for both parties. 

- The prices listed above are for personal use images only. 

- Artworks destined for products or services have an additional fee for copyright purchase over the image
under contract.


Galleria di immagini (Clicca per ingrandire!)
Colonna 1Colonna 2 colonna 3
Colonna 1Colonna 2colonna 3
Colonna 1Colonna 2colonna 3


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