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Hi, wanderer! This is the online registry that you can browse through whenever you want to see all rumius ever created, some details about them and their kinships. And it's always up to date!
Before continuing, it could be useful to consult the Species Rules, in which you'll discover everything there is to know about ownership and adoptions of this semi-open species!
If you're interested in knowing more about rumius as animals, their habits, symbolism, appearance, diet and any other detail about their biology, you can take a look at their Species Sheet.
Let's start!
Configuration of the cards
Every rumiu will be represented in the genealogical registry by a simple identification card, in which you will be able to find all their basic informations. Every card will be more or less composed like this:
💎 NAME OF THE RUMIU ← The individual's name. In some cases it will be possible to click on it to know more and visit their personal page on sites like Refsheet,
Toyhou.se or similar.
(BORN ON ??/??/????) ← The creation date
MORPH - SEX - GENERATION ← Rumiu may belong to one of the morphs described in their species sheet (such as classic, spectrepearl, sapphireblue, dinnica or others), aka a "race" that has been bred and selected for specific characteristics that will define their appearance, or they could be hybrids from different
morphs. When they belong to a specific morph, it will be that morph's name that appears as the first info in this line, otherwise it would be the wording "hybrid", followed, when possible, from the name of the morphs of the parents that have been bred to obtain this rumiu [ex. Hybrid (Ruby x Mirrorglass)].
The sex will be marked with an F for females and an M for males.
The last information provided in this line is the rumiu's generation: if it's of first generation, its design is new and wasn't obtained by breeding already existing rumius, if it's second generation it's the offspring of a first gen mother, if it's third generation it's the offspring of a second gen mother, and so on.
DESIGN BY ← Here you'll find out which artist created their design
Name of the designer
OWNED BY ← Here it's indicated who the rumiu now belongs to
Name of the owner
DETAILS AND NOTES ← Any peculiarity of the rumiu, like extra information about its health status or its personal history, could end up being written on this line. Very often though it will be simply marked by an X, which means there's nothing to see, folks, you can disperse.
(Born on 24/09/2018)
Spectrepearl - F - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: She was the first rumiu created and the first to be registered here! In her stories, she's the pet rumiu of
Elios Magister. She's a webstar on Mimmum, famous thanks to the little paintings she makes. Sister of Spectra.💎 BASTARD
(Born on 21/02/2019)
Classic - M - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: He has a bad temper.💎 CEREZA
(Born on 20/09/2020)
Hybrid (Classic X Ruby) - F - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: In the stories in which she appears, she belongs to Falco Storm. She's overweight because her loving owner overfeeds her.💎 GOLE SANGAM
Details and notes: She doesn't live on Mimmum, but on another planet. She dwells inside the boneyard caves where crystals grow.
Details and notes: X
(Born on 24/05/2022)
Hybrid (SapphireblueXSpectrepearl) - M - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: X💎 NEBULA
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: Even before becoming its own character, this design existed since February 2022!
Details and notes: Even before becoming its own character, this design existed since February 2022!
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
(Born on 27/02/2024)
Classic - M - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: X
(Born on 01/06/2024)
Hybrid (Darkbeard x horribilis) - M - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: X
(Born on 11/06/2024)
Hybrid (Darkbeard x horribilis) - F - G2
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: First Gen2 rumiu ever registered, daughter of Plazzy and Nebula.
(Born on 28/10/2024)
Hybrid (½ Ruby x ½ Spectrepearl-Sapphireblue) - F - G2
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: Daughter of Larimar and Primrose.
(Born on 28/12/2024)
Infected - M - G1
•Design by
•Owned by
Details and notes: First rumiu to be an Infected and designed by someone other the species' creators. Infected by a Mutamycete.
Details and notes: X
Details and notes: X
The golden tree is an image taken by Pixabay. All the drawings in this page (and probably in all the other pages, if
not differently specified) were realized by our artists, Furiarossa e Mimma. You can see more of their works and support them on their Patreon page. Become patrons of the arts! 🎨🌵
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