Merfolk jewelry | Younger Hudson | An ordinary night shift | Chibi Boudicca | Back muscles | *Whispering* It's a Merwen | Sea Wolf | Floppy and glasses | Xanafox (again) | Young Alpha Gargoyle | Males of mersalmon | White tentacles and a non-white heart | The salmon and the shark | Sock and garters | Head of your enemy | Come here, ya rich adorable boy | Yep, fairly odd | Wolf is angry | Gala night | Pixie's favorite human | Ice Cream thief | Criminals | Hey Fox, look here | All Gargoyles except one | Throat and eyes | Wings | Wolf swap | Angry Xanatos | Waiting, belly on the ground | Owen Burnett | Courtship bites |
Werewolves in the office (black and white) | Magic snooping 1 | Behemoth | I'm on the highway to howl | Mirror image | Magic snooping 2 | Werewolves in the Office | Queso the Kilin | Shiny scales | A night in | Team Breakfast | Thinking of his past life (black and white) | Puck on the TARDIS |
Mermay - Goliath | The mermdress | Hyla meridionalis | Sketch design - Monochrome Pearl | No, you don't | Gole Sangam | There's me, there's you, and everything is blue |
Il ragno che tesseva racconti
1. La bambina e il ragno | 2. La rana e la tarantola | 3. I nomi | 4. Il ragno sulla cima del mondo | 5. A ogni specie la sua natura | 6. Il ragno vegetariano |
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